Monday, 16 May 2011

Winter is upon us.

The severity of the frosts these last few nights means that there are volumes of leaves falling to the ground each morning so I wont have this glory to view for much longer, the other maple is almost totally bare already.

The bird life now consists of plentiful Currawongs an odd flock of passing silver eyes and their associated hanger ons and I have noted a few more Red Wattle birds passing through than what have been here for a while. Oh and of course the Rosellas I have been photographing recently.

All the hanging water sources look like this each morning and its not much fun cleaning them out.

The crack in the bird bath finally became weaker and it will not hold water now, we have an alternate solution in the works and aim to repair the birdbath trying to protect its visual integrity as it has sentimental value to my Partner having been in his Bird loving Grandfathers garden.


  1. I can't get enough of the beautiful photos of trees in Autumn. Yours are delightful Tammy.
    The leaves can be a nuisance at times... but they did make for a beaut photo in your hanging water bowl ;-)

  2. love the photos of Autumn I wish I had something of my Granpa garden.

  3. We did it again! Today I took a photo of the japanese maple...the whole tree, not just the leaves, and I was planning to put it in my header one day soon. *spooky music*

  4. glad you feel so highly of the bird watering dish - repairing such a gift of the past is wonderful.. make sure you post how you fixed the issue... I'll be waiting!
